Why Soffit Vents are Important

28/12/2011 14:10

Houses were designed and built for the comfort of the homeowners in such a way they will be shielded from the awful weather condition. In most residential establishments, proper ventilation system is planned and installed in order to prevent various problems that would arise in the future. There are many methods that can be applied on a house in order to create a proper cooling system that will not only make those who are living inside the building comfortable but also happy with the establishment.  


In this article, we will tackle about the importance and role of soffit vents and how you can safely and properly install them on your house. Soffit vents are small exhausts placed on the corner of the outer ceiling or roof overhang of the house. These are additional installations when setting up fascia boards in order to protect the structure from the bad weather. There are quite a few uses which makes these as essential parts of the whole house.

  • Ventilation – the number one purpose of these fabricated holes is to provide air or ventilation to the whole structure. It is very important to avoid too much heat from being accumulated or trapped inside the house especially during the hottest time of the day. During the summer season, most houses suffer from distorted shingles that are usually damaged due to the lack of ventilation. However, on houses that have soffit vents, this case is not most likely going to happen. These vents allow the ceiling to cool down the inside of the house by blowing wind through and forcing the trapped warm air outside on the other soffit holes. 
  • Insulation – aside from keeping out the warm air during the hot season, these simple holes on the roof overhang also acts as insulation to the house. This system can be great for minimizing the energy consumption as it will not make the air-conditioner or the heater to work at a harder level.
  • Longevity – aside from supporting the temperature of the whole house to be livable to the people residing, soffit vents also contributes to extending the life of the roofing materials. In short, it keeps them free from moist by allowing air to pass in and out of the roof.


Proper installation and the right choice of soffit vent materials are vital to the efficacy and success of this simple ventilation system. It is important to follow the right installation procedure whenever you are setting these up on your roof overhang. The first thing you need is to plan on what type of vent you want as well as the design. Afterwards you can begin taking measurements and the number of holes you would like to install. Cut holes by using a quality saw where the marker has been written. The installation process is perhaps the easiest part of the job as all you need to do is to fit and secure the vent. The last thing to do is to make sure that the ventilation system is working as planned. You can check this by using smoke on the vents. If the smoke quickly disappears, it is then a clear sign that the soffit vents are well installed.

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